There is no substitute for passion.
Is it drive, passion, or is it purpose?
Are you thinking no matter what you do, no matter how small or how big, no matter what you complete, you are constantly thinking or even stressing over the next big “Thing”, the next milestone in your life. Is it hard to simply take pleasure during the journey on the road to your accomplishments? You feel the heated need for the next success all the time.
When is enough really “ENOUGH”? The need to do more and making more happen, is a clear indication that you are being motivated by your drive, not by your passion.
The difference between drive and passion…
There are many different factors that can motivate you. When you are motivated by your passion, you are in line with your vision, your goals with every part of your being and belief. You are focused on getting things accomplished because you are really inspired to see this vision become a reality. You truly have a sense of urgency and importance of not only manifesting your goal, but enjoying the path in making it happen.
When you are motivated by passion, you are able to take a step back and enjoy the fruits of your labor once you have achieved your goal. You have the ability to take a break and feel good about what you have done. You are satisfied with your accomplishment.
Now, being motivated by drive may yield similar results to being motivated by your passion. You achieve your goals, however, it feels very different. If you complete goal after goal, and still feel like you haven’t accomplished enough, you are most likely being motivated by drive. When you are motivated by drive, you are being driven from a place of fear and insufficiency.
When you are motivated by drive, your desire for success, recognition or materialism overtakes your sense of purpose and your true vision. When you are motivated by drive, you are actually disengaged from your passion.
How can you recognize if you are motivated by drive and not passion?
No matter how much money you make, you still feel like you need to make more. Even after you have reached your goals.
You achieve the goal you had been working on, and immediately change focus on the next goal. Not stopping to enjoy the moment.
You have difficulty committing to and sticking to your “C” time, your personal time.
You spend more time working then you want to, even though when you dissect it, you are actually only working four hours a day productively.
You are often exhausted and overwhelmed. Your adrenaline is carrying you.
You feel most comfortable when there is “too much” going on.
Do you want to stop having your drive motivate you and get real?
Once you recognize that it is drive that is motivating you instead of your passion, it’s time to take a closer look at your fears and your limiting beliefs. Some common limiting beliefs that are behind drive are: “There is never enough”; “I don’t know what I want out of life, so I will work harder and I will find it” (without purpose). And the good old standby, “I have to prove myself to my _____________” (insert father, mother, wife, sibling. Or even worse, some insignificant person that should not even be allowed in your head anymore).
Take some time to identify the fear and limiting beliefs that are behind your drive, and work with them. Next, take some time to get clear on what excites you. What is your purpose? In other words, begin to connect to your passion; what is exciting about your career, your business, your family, and your vision. Examine if you can excel forward from the position of passion, vision and purpose to get things done.
At the end of the day, the single most important reason to be motivated by passion and purpose instead of raw drive is sustainability. If you are passionate about achieving your goals in all aspects of your life, you will act upon them consistently. Not merely go through the motions in order to feel fulfilled by your drive.