Was it a dream or a Goal?
Today is motivational Monday, and coincidentally, Martin Luther King day as well. Today, we do not need to look too far for motivation. Not long ago, in 1963 a man had a dream or so he said. The reality is….It wasn’t a dream at all. IT WAS A GOAL!
He DID NOT wish it to come true.
He DID NOT say he was going to do it “someday”.
He DID NOT give himself “Noise” as to why he couldn’t do it.
He woke up every morning and did what he needed to do, day after day, EVERY SINGLE DAY in order to achieve his goal. Even on days when just the day before, he had been defeated, deflated and things didn’t look promising, that didn’t stop him from taking action EVERY….SINGLE….DAY!
Martin Luther King conquered adversity in every sense of the word. Physically beaten, verbally abused, and cast off every single day.
Today, when you are reflecting on how difficult it is to adhere to your calendar, How difficult it is to stay focused on what is important in your life, How you can not seem to muster up the energy to work your plan, look deep within and think about how Martin Luther King felt EVERY SINGLE DAY of his life.
Dare I say it… The great Dr. Martin Luther King did not have a dream. He had a Goal, he had conviction and he had passion to achieve it all. There is no stopping an individual that has a vision, an individual that has real goals, an individual that wants what they want, the way they want it.
Go out there today and GET IT DONE!
You do not have a dream, you have your GOALS…
“Dreams occupy your mind; Goals take over your realty…”